Stand-up Straight!

Stand-up Straight!

Hands up if you’ve ever been yelled at to “Stop slouching!” or to “Stand up Straight!”. What if I told you that a slouchy posture is not a result of laziness but a body that is dysfunctional?  What if I told you that it wasn’t your job to hold your body up...
Women: Champions of Change

Women: Champions of Change

The female body is amazing, it is specifically designed to produce another human being! That does mean however, that based on our anatomy, we have specific women’s health challenges. Your menstrual cycle is a pretty central part to female existence and periods,...
Can You Reset The Cycle?

Can You Reset The Cycle?

Life is made up of many cycles. If we look at our life cycle, from the time we are conceived the embryo develops into our complex body containing trillions of cells. As our bodies change and develop from birth to old age, we go through several stages of life. During...
The Problem with Women’s Health

The Problem with Women’s Health

Women’s health is a problem topic. While the media and many companies might market themselves as being aligned to women’s health, I have my doubts. Women are undoubtedly the driving force in the market for health and well-being and they are not being served by the...
New Year Celebrations with Peak Chiropractic

New Year Celebrations with Peak Chiropractic

1 year. 52 weeks. 365 and a quarter days. 8765.81 hours. That is how long it takes the Earth to complete a journey around the sun. It feels like these orbits around the Sun are getting shorter every year and that it was only yesterday that we were celebrating the...
Simple, Effective Stress Management

Simple, Effective Stress Management

“Sleep when you’re dead!” is a common maxim that mirrors the busy culture we live in. We drive ourselves ever harder even though we all know our mind/body requires recharging. As life gets busier how can we regain balance without missing out? Here are some simple,...
Innate Intelligence

Innate Intelligence

Are you working with your body or against it? Innate Intelligence is a Chiropractic term used by the founder of Chiropractic, D.D Palmer. It is a term that refers to your body’s inborn ability to self-regulate and self-develop. Vitalistic Chiropractors remove the...
Chiropractic – Effective Care for Pain

Chiropractic – Effective Care for Pain

The most positive research on Chiropractic care is on it’s effectiveness for relief of back pain. This stems from various causes, including accidents, sports injuries, and muscle strains. Other common complaints that Chiropractors see daily include pain in...
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